Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 07, 2016

My boy who likes to go market with me!

I guess not many kids like going market with their parents, BUT I have got 2 children, the eldes and youngest, loves following me to the market! Why? My guess is, my eldest likes to go 'shopping' and my youngest likes to go so he can see lots of cars and lorries at the car park around the market! And now my youngest likes to go and help me push the cart! Hahahaa... I am sooo lucky! :p

My son asking for $1 coin to play those toy capsules vending machine at the mama shop before the market!

Boy in action going along the stretch to look at the lorries logo! Amazing for his age to recognise all car logos! He's just so into it!!

Alvan's scribbles

Alvan likes to write what he saw and think, though sad to say he hates it when he's been  asked to do a practice of writing a full page of words or sentences! But we have to admit that his word recognition is really good and so much better then his jiejie and korkor!

And at his current K1 stage, he knows about calender and has no problem keeping track of all the dates and days! 

He's so familiar with the 12 months of the year that he knows which family member's birth month is! And he also remember my birthdate!!! Amazing for a 4.5 years old boy!!

Here's his listing and some members were left out according to him is that he ran out of space on the white board!!! Lol...

This is the full list as list out by korkor to show he's also aware of our family members birth months!

And this shot is a randomingly taken when he's being taught some words in school and he's had drawn the accompanying pictures next to it! Hahaha...the first is really funny... but the third is wrong as he was drawing oil, as in 油 but I mistook it and taught him 邮 as in stamps 邮票的邮!

Another picture drawn by him....can't recall whom he was sketching! Hahaha...