First location we went to after our buffet breakfast in our hotel was Kidzania!!! A place long wanted to visit for the kids to enjoy and have fun!!! Actually I was really glad that there's an outlet here, as Singapore did not have one and the nearest one near us is in Malaysia, KL, but due to some safety issue, I had been delaying the visit... So since we were here, this is a MUST visit place!!!
This is the main entrance with their ticket counters!!! Everyone needs a ticket to get in!!!
This is the entrance, they had made it look like a departure gate, departing for Air Asia!! Lol..
First thing they need to do is to go to their bank and draw money out with the entrance ticket!! So they can either start working or go learn to make food but pay for it!!
Here's then and the kidzania money!!!
Kids are always kids, before learning to earn money, they started using their money to make their own burger at Macdonalds!! Lol...
Every shop would have a sign like this outside, showing what occupation they are offering and how much they are paying you for and the duration of the job!!
They do have a wide varieties of occupations available, air pilot, stewardess, make up artist, dentist, paramedics, fire fighters, petrol station helper, car agent, 7-11 store assistant, shopper, performer, magician, lawyer, radio DJ, photographer even insurance agent!!! Still many more which I had left out, but you would be able to know once you get the brochure at the entrance!
Fire fighters on the go!!
Dentist checking on patients tooth!!
Air pilot flying Air Asia!!
Patamedics on the go!! The staff working here must really enjoy their job!! One would suddenly get down on the floor once they hear the ambulance going round!! Lol...
Enjoying a treat of candy floss after some work...
Milk factory worker!!! Hahaha... They would also get a bottle of milk once they learned how to send empty bottles in to fill up with milk!!
A 7-11 shop with staff and customer openings!! Lol...
Adwin being the customer!!!
Ashley learning how to be a cashier...
After all their hardwork, there's a kidzania shop for them to spend their earnings!!!! And mind you, parents were not allowed into the shop!! They only allowed the hardworking kids to go in and buy things they like, without parents influence!! But, their stuffs were really expensive!!! My kids can only buy a pack of stickers with their combined income!!! Lol... 真是钱难赚!
It was pretty late by the time we left kidzania and we had to grab our lunch before we head over to the Siam Ocean World, as we had bought the tickets as combo pack together with Madam Tussaud, so it's a a must go location!!

Lots of photo booth near the entrance...
A small tutu car near the exit for photo taking... Hahaha...
One and only Ronald with a Sawadee hand sign!!! Hahahaha...
We had a really late dinner, the last customer at this Paradise restaurant... But they were really nice and patient to wait for us to finish the food before they leave for the day!!
And since it's our last night in Bangkok, we took the chance to take the tutu car ride back to our hotel!! And we had to pay more compared to a cab!!!!
We had missed all of the show time, as nothing for us except to go around looking at their tanks of fishes...
A nice boat tour around to look at the sharks and stingrays from the glass boat here... But it's really a short ride...
I was rushing to the night market after we return to the hotel room, as I saw many Personalised items bought by my friend the night before, so decided to grab them before our flight the next day!! Lol...
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