The breakfast buffet were rather good for us, milk and cereal for the kids, hot dishes and egg station, fruits station and lots of breads and pastries...
And my mischievous Alvan giving me this heck care look away when he knows my camera is on him!!!

A super mini golf station for the kids to have fun with... And they are at it for as long we are at the lobby!!
There's an activity room at level 3, but it was sooo damn hot during the day, no air con and it's filled with hot air!!! WL and kids were having their hands on the table tennis...
And a small gym room along the corridor to the rooms... And since no one was in there, WL asked the kids to have a look at a gym room which only allowed adults!!!
My Adwin trying on the small weight...
Daddy building weight??? :p
Daddy and Alvan on the fit ball...
The 2 kids love these thread mills and asked daddy to bring them to the gym room at their grandparents' place!! Hahaha...
My 3 musketeers while waiting for the van to pick us up for the tour...
Alvan trying to mimick his korkor having rubber band design on his hand!
Here we are... The award winning mangrove tour entrance!! Hahaha... Got the feel of the Sungai Buloh nature reserve in Singapore, but lucky for us, no Mosquitos!!!
This is the map of the tour... It's pretty long... The blue river on it, abt 6.8km long...
Lucky for us to be the only family on the motorized simpan!! Hahaha... Ashley was pretty scare initially due to the loud motor but after awhile she was ok with it and enjoyed the speed!! But my Alvan was terrified that he slept through the tour!! Hahaha...
Can you spot the Monitor lizard?? I hope I got the name correct... Haha...
And can you spot the mangrove snake here????
This is the only small shopping market near our hotel, Pasar Oleh-Oleh... No air con and very small shops around...
See my kids enjoying... And I was carrying my sleeping Alvan on my arm... Daddy was having his foot massage in another section....
Enjoying ice cream after our massage...
We decided to go back to our hotel for lunch... So here we were, at the only restaurant, the Lotus restaurant!! This time, the food served was so much faster compared to last night's dinner!! Hahaha...
Our tour guide got really good eyesight!! He's always spotting these animals from far!!!
And Ashley was holding on to the lime leaf the guide pluck for us... The kids were really amazed with the smell with just rubbing their hands on the leaf!!!
Ashley and Adwin pretending they are driving the speed boat!! Lol...This is the shop we went for our foot massage!! The kids were super happy knowing they can have their massage here after our Bangkok trip!!!
My kids having spaghetti again!!
WL having an appetizer dish... Otah like item, egg plants and fried tempeh!!
My Ikan nasi goreng! Nice!! ;)
They gave us a variety of breads, which we saw during breakfast, instead of keropok!! WL enjoyed the pesto like dip!!
After our lunch, the kids pestered us to bring them over to the swimming pool... And here we are!!!
This shot was taken all thanks for my self timer app on a side table!!! Hahahaha.... Fun!!!
Alvan learning to blow bubble!!
Daddy asked Alvan to pose like him!!! Hahahaha... Super funny!!! And Alvan accidentally fell into the pool after this shot and he got really frightened after that and refused to dip into the pool again!!!
Daddy and kids...
Me staying far from them!! As I hate getting wet with sea water!!! :p
Adwin found a closed sea shell!!! And our funny daddy trying to shake and see if it's still alive!!
Another WL's interesting idea... Shadows of the 5 of us!!! But having some difficult cos the sun was not very bright and it's actually pretty cloudy!!!
Another selfie of us with my self timer app!!!! So nice to have a clean and no crowd beach to ourselves!!!
A small connecting platform between the swimming pool and the beach...
Our in-room dining!!! WL had thought of going for their BBQ night but were afraid the kids got nothing to eat as they never enjoy grilled food!! And me still recovering from a bad sore throat... And since we had clean ourselves really clean after our pool and beach fun, better for all to stay in room for dinner!!! They were sooo pro that they brought all the things up to set up the small dining table in the room!!! They even brought up the variety of breads with the 3 dips!!! But WL had again, ordered toooo much things for 2 adults, 2 kids and a toddler!!!
WL and his pattern again, saying we should have a dip in the sea since we are here and we can go back to our room for a change after that!!! So off we went to the beach again...
Alvan seems to be the happiest...
On the table you should be able to see, the kids spaghetti again, prawn sambal with rice, gado gado and a dessert, the breads and the veg as side from WL's order of the grilled fish!
And these dishes can't fit onto the small dining table of ours... WL's order of the grilled fish with 2 baked potatoes!!
My order of sandwich!
Ashley preferred to sit at the sofa, as she was catching a shark movie on HBO... And father and son enjoying food at the dining table... Me feeding my Prince Alvan at the sofa...
This ends our eventful day 2!!! And getting ready to head back home tomorrow!!!