2nd October was MY first day to Child Care!! Initially I was still quite happy about going to school, but not when I'm there alone...

This is the blur look on me when I first arrived @ the center. Daddy & Mummy were just standing in front of the cupboards looking @ me. I was busy roaming around the center, cos it's a new environment and also interesting to see other children coming in randomly. And mummy says I look so cute in my new uniform! :D

Daddy & mummy left the center quietly during my breakfast. They also went for their breakfast, but without telling ME... So mummy's guess was I had a shock that I found out I was left there alone. And when daddy & mummy were back from their breakfast, mummy saw me crying in the class... this was the pic mummy took secretly while Teacher Jac trying to comfort me... Mummy was very sad cos when she saw me crying, I was left standing there with my soft toy turtle and no teachers were comforting me!! Then daddy went to ask Teacher Jac to look after me... And mummy came in to the class after my crying saga! hahaha... And mummy decided to bring me back home after my shower, cos I refused to sleep in the center! :D

This is my favorite kitchen set in the Child Care from day 1! And mummy took this when I was happily playing on it cos she's with me in the center on the 1st day!!

But on my 2nd day, she secretly left me there alone again... sob sob... However, I managed to survive my full day!! hahaha... of cos, I need to have my fav turtle soft toy with me!! And heard from mummy, po-po came & peep at me too... And po-po keep saying am fine there @ the center...
But mummy say, I was so happy @ the end of the day, I ate too much during dinner & she bought me a piece of strawberry cake to reward me for being a nice gal in the center, after 2 mouthful, I vomitted!! But daddy & mummy not around @ nai-nai place, so they dun see what I had threw out!! Mummy so heart-pain... hahaha... my mummy will have heartache whenever she see me cry!!
However, on my third day, mummy left me at the center the moment I stepped in!! So i cried from 8.30am till 12pm & mummy very heart-pain, so I left the CC @ 12pm! hahaha...
And on Friday, mummy went into the center with me from morning till my nap!! But I had been trying to ask her to bring me back home, even I cry she also refused!! So she told everyone, I had to learn thru the hard way liao, daddy & mummy will leave me @ the center when they bring me there, cos I cry even if they are around too!! Poor me... hope I can adjust to the routine in the center...
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