Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Our new family member, Adwin
Our baby boy, Adwin, decided to come out on 12 Dec 2007.
My water bag burst @ around 245am on 12 Dec, so we went to KK straight after dropping ashley @ my mum's place.
But Adwin was delivered only @ 1250pm, which was much later than we expected. As many experienced mummies had said tat for 2nd pregnancy, labour time should be much shorter! And, we didn't expect Adwin to be a heavy weight baby, weighing 3.946kg and 53cm!
Anyway, everyone was happy that Mummy n baby was fine!
More pictures update coming.... Oh btw, ashley was saying 'pa pa' when she see the above didi picture! :-*
Friday, November 30, 2007
Bee movie outing!
Guess this shall be our last movie before didi comes along...
This was actually a family event organised by one of our friend, really appreciate it, cos Ashley did enjoy the movie and it also taught her what and how a bee looks like! hahaha... she'll scream "Bee" when she sees something like the one shown in the poster above!
See the turtle in her hand? It's the famous turtle soft toy she had been bringing along with her to the childcare! hahaha... she can't fall asleep with it now... :)
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Ashley taking medicine
But sad to say, she been fed with medicine for 3 weeks already, as her cough is quite persistent with lots of phlegm and these few days her fever is on & off... hope she recovers fast, so will be a happy & healthy jie-jie when her di-di comes in about another 11 days to come.... :D
Monday, November 12, 2007
Daddy's birthday!
But they were complaining that the so-called fine dining place is very noisy! hahaha... too many pple talking @ the same time loudly, so in the end it's like eating @ hawker center but they pay a huge amt for tat dinner! hahaha...
And, the serving is so big, both Daddy & Mummy didn't finished their main course!!
here's some photos of what good food they had tat evening! :p
this is the HUGE onion bun they had... according to them it's very nice & maybe it's due to this huge bun, that they can't finish their food! hahaha...
And this is Daddy's complimentary bi
As for how old is Daddy this year... I think better to leave it to daddy to tell u guys! hahahaha... Happy Birthday Daddy!!! :D
Ashley enjoying the Belgian Chocolate dip with waffle
Daddy & Mummy had been talking about going to eat @ the Beach Road hawker center for a long long time.. but never ever made it! hahaha...
But on this sat (03-Nov), they finally brought me there for lunch!!
We had the popular Terikayi Chicken set meal, the Prawn & Pork ribs noodles, waffles with belgian chocolate dip, a coconut & a sugar cane juice!! I love all of them, esp the chocolate dip! hahaha...
See, I can even pose for mummy while eating my waffle with the chocolate dip!!
Mummy was enjoying her coconut, cos she's in her last trimester and many other aunties had told her can eat coconut now so when my di-di comes out, he'll be very clean! hahaha.. but Mummy says she although she didn't eat coconut when she was expecting me, I still come out clean clean one leh... :p
And am also enjoying the sugar cane juice... it's really nice & cold! :D See how I posed with Daddy... hahaha.. sorry lah, I was peeping @ dad when mummy pressed her camera!! I juz wanna make sure Daddy is having the same pose as me mah! :p
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Ashley with Daddy waiting for Mummy

Since me & daddy were early, we went to Isle Cafe for some chee cheong fun and daddy had a cup of tea... cos I finished up his chee cheong fun! hahaha.. it's really tasty with the sweet dark sauce!! hope to try again next time! :D

See, do I look like Daddy??!! Mummy always say both of us are like 'ang ku kueh' looks exactly alike! hahaha :p

Monday, October 22, 2007
First swim @ Popo's new house!
But, I vomitted after about 10mins of water-play... Mummy say I muz had drank some pool water that's y... also because I was eating before the swim, haha.. so had my orange, red bean soup & even my rice taken during lunch threw out! yucks!!
First try on the swing
And here's my clip on my first try on the swing! hahaha... Initially I was still enjoying.. but guess Mummy had pushed the swing too hard so I was swinging quite high up... ended up I got frightened... hahaha....
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Shopping with Daddy & Mummy
Yesterday, Mummy went for her 32nd week gynae check up, & Daddy was having his Hari Raya Public Holiday make up, so they picked me up from the Child care early today to go shopping and have dinner @ Junction 8!!
Daddy bought HD Macadamia Ice cream, & it's really yummy!! Look @ our expressions!! hahaha...
Anyway, Mummy & Daddy was really surprised yesterday morning (Monday - 15 Oct) when they dropped me off @ the Child care!! Cos according to Mummy, first time since 2 Oct, I did not make up a fuss! hahaha... And I even say bye-bye to Daddy & Mummy happily after I removed & put my shoe on the shoe rack!!
And teacher Aishah even commented to Daddy & Mummy that I was a real good gal yesterday, I managed to sit thru all the lessons and can let my fav turtle take a rest! hahaha...
Another thing, Mummy would laugh loudly whenever I say "mian" and "no" to her!! Cos I learn the word "no" from teachers and now I truly understand what it means & how powerful it is!!! And mummy find it really funny hearing this "No" coming out of my mouth!! And also, I know how to ask for the food I want and like now!! Especially when I had a liking for noodles!!! So I'll shout for "mian" whenever Mummy ask me what I wanna eat! :p
Ashley's new bed!
Anyway, Daddy got blister on his palm after fixing the bed up!! He had warned Mummy not to get such things for him again! Hahaha...
But, Daddy & Mummy had a hard time trying to get me sleep on it!! Cos am used to the cot sleeping next to Mummy then sleeping alone on this bed!!
First blog on video!
Hahaha... this is my first try posting a video clip of Ashely in the blog!! In fact this clip was not intented as I had wanted to just take it as a picture with my HP! Cos I find her so cute with the red specs found in the GP when Ashley went to see the doc due to a lump found in her left eye (taken on 16 Sept 07)!! Also we went to pay for her full day child care fees before her visit to the GP...
Monday, October 08, 2007
Ashley going to Full day Child Care

But mummy say, I was so happy @ the end of the day, I ate too much during dinner & she bought me a piece of strawberry cake to reward me for being a nice gal in the center, after 2 mouthful, I vomitted!! But daddy & mummy not around @ nai-nai place, so they dun see what I had threw out!! Mummy so heart-pain... hahaha... my mummy will have heartache whenever she see me cry!!
However, on my third day, mummy left me at the center the moment I stepped in!! So i cried from 8.30am till 12pm & mummy very heart-pain, so I left the CC @ 12pm! hahaha...
And on Friday, mummy went into the center with me from morning till my nap!! But I had been trying to ask her to bring me back home, even I cry she also refused!! So she told everyone, I had to learn thru the hard way liao, daddy & mummy will leave me @ the center when they bring me there, cos I cry even if they are around too!! Poor me... hope I can adjust to the routine in the center...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Mid-autumn Festival 2007
Anyway, many things happened during Aug & this month...
Firstly, grand-grandma passed aways 3 days before we celebrate National day, ie 6 Aug, so everyone was busy with the wake for 5 days...
Secondly, mummy's birthday also falls in the month of Aug... & we only went out to eat with my grandparents (maternal & paternal) & I get to blow out the candles & I did join in the birthday singing!! It's really fun & I love ALL the cakes! hahaha...
Thirdly, mummy & daddy had enrolled me to a childcare in sept & i'll attend full day child care in Oct, had wanted to start on 1st Oct, but according to principal Jac, it's Children's Day, so the center is closed, I can only start on 2nd Oct!! Mummy is feeling so excited & worried about me adapting to the child care, but daddy had assured her that I would do well in the center, I also dunno if I can adapt to it or not...
See!! Am returning the lantern to daddy (who's busy fiddling his camera, trying to catch my action & also trying to take pic of mummy, who's also busy taking pic of me & daddy with her HP!)) hahaha...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Ashley having running nose...
Quick update on me, mummy brought me to see doc again on last Friday (13 Jul '07) cos I was having running nose suddenly, lucky she was on leave to take care of me, cos po-po went to Bangkok with gong-gong and yi-yi to pray pray also to celebrate po-po & yi-yi's birthday! :D so good hor, same birthday! haha...
And, we went to Aden's 1st YO birthday party on Friday! He's such a cute di-di, had always wanted to carry him, but mummy say I dunno how to carry him yet, wait he fall then will cry.
Though I was sick hor, but mummy & daddy still go for their Harry Potter movie on saturday, but i just slept through the movie, cos it's very cosy inside & mummy had blanket for me, so not cold @ all!
Mummy ask me a funny question on saturday, she asked me if I want a di-di or mei-mei? And guess wat i say? I say I want a mei-mei! hahaha.. & mummy was laughing away, I also dun quite understand! :p Mummy say she'll go for her scan again on next tuesday, & she'll tell me if I'll be having a di-di or mei-mei by then! ehm... hope my dream will come true, then i'll have a mei-mei to sayang and play with & of cos, to share our secrets!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Ashley 2nd Birthday!

And am enjoying it... though no sound coming out from it.. (cos mummy & daddy say no batteries...) I like it, cos now I dun have to ask daddy or mummy to bring me to the room for organ... I can play as & when I like... & sing to my favorite song... "Ni Wa Wa"!! hahaha... & good that the mic is adjustable... was so high up just now when I was trying to perform! hahaha... :p
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Early birthday celebration for ashley
Uncle fatty n ah hoe giving me an advance birthday celebration at Dian Xiao Er @ Causeway Pt wif a strawberry cake fr Prima Deli. It's very delicious. I love it when everyone sings me e birthday song. But mummy says there's another round of celebration tml. So happy. ;)
Yeah, I'll be two tomorrow!! Daddy says I must be a good gal from then on... haha... shall see how! :p
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Ashley with new chicken plush

Ashley seems to take a liking to tis new chicken plush bought in Malaysia by her Granny, supposedly her 2nd birthday present. ;)
We are planning for a small buffet lunch for her coming 2nd birthday in 2weeks time. Juz a small celebration for immediate families n some closed friends. Also, looking for a spongebob birthday cake for her.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Speedy baby race

Friday, June 15, 2007
Ashley waiting to see spongebob

This is an overdue posting! haha.. mummy had been too busy packing for our Hong Kong Trip that she forgot to post this to my blog!! Daddy brought me to Bt Panjang Plaza to see Spongebob in person on 8 June, friday. I'm so happy abt it and am waiting eagerly for his appearance. Mummy juz dun understand why I loves Spongebob so much! haha..
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Friday, June 08, 2007
Ashley calling "ma ma"
Finally, we'll be flying to Hong Kong tomorrow morning! But luggage is not fully packed yet, still left some drinks & milk powder to be packed. Especially when we're bring Ashley along, I tot it would be good to bring some local water over for her, so she won't get any stomach upset when mixed with the water over there!
Was busy over the past 2 evenings. Mummy & Daddy went for a marriage workshop on Wednesday nite @ the Family Life Center @ Geylang, it was an interesting topic, Love Talk, speaker is David Kan, which I find is a very experienced counsellor, cos he shared with us many of his counselled cases and it's good that he highlighted that Male & Female are different, which I feel is the problem that most men don't realised! Anyway, hope to attend more of parenting talks by him maybe after the HK trip!
As for Thursday evening, we pop by Motherhood Fair @ Expo, main intention is to sign up for Cordlife for our #2 baby, as they're giving $300 discount if we sign up @ the fair. I guess this is a good move, as it's always good to have some saving of such precious blood for our children. Cos the modern world had too many of funny diseases now, hope more diseases can be cured with the cord blood.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Day Trip to Desaru Fruit Farm & Fire Fly Cruise

Lucky Ashley woke up very early tat day, about 615am, so in time to feed her milk & shower her before the trip! We board the bus @ about 8am and leave for the Tuas Link. By the time the M'sian guide met up with us, was already about 9.15am.
And we went to a nearby coffeeshop for breakfast before our shopping trip @ Jusco @ The Terbau City! This is a huge shopping center, but an hour is too short for us to grab any good buys! But Ashley seems to be having a nice time, as she as happily window shopping ahead of us (as always)!! After shopping, we proceed to our seafood lunch, which is not fantastic, just prawns, flower crabs & fish, which is quite normal for us!
Proceed to the Fruit farm after lunch which took about an hour to reach, nothing fantastic here too, cos the fruits served was wat we had locally, though breadfruit was shown to us, but never had the chance to taste them! Had wanted to go to the Ostrich farm, but due to the time constraint, we only had the chance to see the 2 Ostriches @ the Fruit farm, which is still better than nothing! hahaha...
The m'sian guide brought us to a shopping mall, which had nothing much to look for too! haha.. but as he mentioned, the things are cheap! only got a bolster with Spongebob for Ashley (RM8.99) which is very cheap! and then left for dinner, this is much better then the lunch served! hahaha... with fish & prawns too!
Everyone was looking forward to the Fire fly cruise, but it started to rain @ abt 7pm! so was in the coach for awhile hoping the rain will stop, but nope, so we had to board the cruise in the rain. it was quite scary cos we saw lighting along the way, but when everyone sees the Fire flies, all were delighted! But, my ashley was sleeping when Fire Files were spotted!! cos she didn't have proper nap during the day, so she slept at abt 730pm till the next day morning! hahaha...
But overall, it was still an interesting & enjoyable trip for our family. Looking forward to our HK trip next weekend!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Grand Shanghai Dinner
We went to our cousin's wedding on Sunday @ the Grand Shanghai @ King's Center! This is indeed a very interesting place and the dinner was served in a classy manner, as in all the dishes were served individually. And there's a live band with a china lady singer, singing all the old songs, just like the olden times, in fact, it was very enjoyable! And to everyone's surprises, Ashley was dancing away with all those old songs being sang. Ashley really loves music!! The only thing is she dun dare to step onto the stage to join the singer and be a dancer! She really leaves an impression to those who saw on her dancing next to the stage! hahaha... tat's my adorable daughter!!
Another interesting thing from her last week, her daddy had managed to teach her more alphabets and she learnt to say 'W' out of the 26 alphas! With an interesting tone of "dump" only! hahaha... it's really cute if u hear it out from her mouth! And she had also learn to say "car car", "xie xie" (thank u) with a small gesture of her hand taking something from u! this is a very significant milestone for her, especially at her age, she shd be saying more things! But, nevertheless, we're very glad with her little improvement!! Cheers Ashley!!
And, we'll be going to a day trip to Desaru tomorrow, hope she learn more fruits name there too! Shall take more pics tml to be posted here! :D
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Ashley saying "hua-hua"
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Friday, April 06, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
Puzzled... why did mummy put on so many things on me??? Am only going for a dip in the pool...
mummy put on the life jacket for babies on me... and the 2 small floats on my arm... & now i can't bend my arms... mummy... u really very funny... even daddy says so too... :(
see my new float?? It's imported from Europe by my yi-yi!! it's very comfy... & most impt, got a rabbit to keep me company!! & when i splash water on her, she dun scream like mummy & daddy! hahaha...
this is really fun!! hope mummy & daddy can bring me to the pool more often!!
But it's very tiring... fell asleep the moment i got in the car after the shower... only had fish ball for lunch...