As mentioned before, my hb is a super adventurous person, and this day, he decided to give US ALL a surprise outdoor!!! He only mentioned a jogging session before our dinner, again at his surprised location!!! So, we are so full of surprises this Sunday! To tell you the truth, I rarely like surprises... cos 80% I'll a shock rather then a good surprise! So, my dear hubby and children, pls give yr wife and mummy a good surprise if I did mentioned about places I wanna go and not a shock to a place I say am not interested before... sigh... ok, enough of my ranting (* yes, my hubby did mentioned that I'll start complaining on my blog after this trip!)
The weather was super good this Sunday, bright, clear and sunny!! Some wefie to begin our trip!
For this shot, my kids had been asking their daddy why are we taking this shot when we are facing the hot scorching sun when we can't even open our eyes! Lol...
This zigzag bridge was still in construction when we visited this reservoir in March 2011!!! So here we are, taking shots of it after completion! Lol...
** updated 18-Sept-15 ** Oh, I finally found the photos to old blog post of this reservoir... AND guess what?? This bridge was still in construction back then & I've got proof of it here... hahaha....
A nice eco bridge next to the zigzag bridge! I remember seeing somewhere that this was designed to be a 'walk in the water' bridge so we can appreciate and study the insects or plants growing in the water.. but the water level was a bit low when we were there... so my children were abit disappointed having their feet dry!!! Hahaha...

Trying out the dual mode function of my smart phone!
My kids have yet to seen a flora clock before... so something interesting here...
A shot requested by my baby... plus an accessory, daddy... lol..
Selfie of US!
My kids decided to photo bomb our selfie!
Start of our trail walk...
My baby had been asked to be carried throughout the walk... And with my breaking knees, there's no way I can carry him and walk... so daddy will have to do the job! :p
We thought once we are out of the forest trail walk, we would be able to reach our car SOON! But... to MY surprised, I can't even see the car park!!!! And my super optimistic hubby kept saying, reaching reaching... soon... walk... And it's bus stop after bus stop that he promised the car park is near!!!! Oh god!!! Can you guessed how many bus stops we walked?? 4 bus stops!!!! Argh...