Our stay at Ipoh is inclusive of breakfast... SO, our first breakfast to be taken at the Hotel throughout our trip!!! As usual, my baby with his car on any dining table!! Jie jie and kor kor with their cornflakes!! Typical breakfast found in hotels... happy and full before we start our own walk around in the town!!
This is the main entrance of our hotel @ Ipoh... A very new, comfortable and affordable place to stay in... and I must say, we like the convenience of a mall just next to our hotel lobby... but there is no supermarket in this mall!!! How sad is this... haha... But with the restaurants and small cafes there, I guess one won't go hungry?!?!... :p
Our first place to visit was the Funny beancurd, BUT it was not open when we arrived!!! Initially we thought it was not opened yet, as it was like 9 something, close to 10 when we reached... And WL remembered there's a Kaya puff bakery nearby, upon my GPS search, it's just the shop house in front of our car park!! So off we went... & ta-da... this is it!!! Hahaha... We only saw a long queue outside of the store and reckon this must be the place for the famous kaya puffs!!!

Spot me in the Queue? Hahaha... I was lucky as there were 3 aunties who left after about 10 mins of queuing... reason being, the queue does not move!!! Hahaha... We were practically waiting for the puffs to be out from the oven!!! And each tray can fetch about 7-8 boxes (each box containing 10 puffs)... And there was a lady in the queue getting 3-4 boxes!! So can you imagine how long you got to wait IF 2 customers ordering 5 boxes each!??!... hahaha... Anyway, we have a whole day to waste, so I insisted on queuing for it, have a try and decide if it's really worth the wait!!! :P

Our next stop was the coffeeshop famous for it's Ipoh White Coffee and kaya roti!! BUT, there was not a single parking lot available! So, my hubby had his voice control on... "U get down to buy take away!" & off I went!!! Hahaha... Sorry, I didn't get to take a pic of the scene in the shop, cos it's really crowded and hot and every eyes were on ME cos am the only one walking around in the shop! I ordered 2 hot white kopi & 4 sets of kaya roti & decided to buy a small bottle of the kaya back home too!! :p
In the car, we decided to open up our kaya puff to enjoy... :p
My girl super likes it!!! Had 2 pieces at a go!!! It's really yummy, puffy and not too sweet!!! NICE! :p
Our hotel reception passed us a Mural art expedition brochure yesterday while hubby try to get more info on where to eat and what to do in Ipoh... Since we got nothing to do, we thought to drive around to look for them... and I can tell you, it's a real TOUGH job!!! Lucky I still have my GPS with me...
This should be the EVOLUTION...
GIRL with the bird cage!
A tiny map showing where are all the Mural arts...
The KOPI-O...
Jiejie & Xiao-Jie decided to take a shot with the UNCLE with his kopi cup while waiting for daddy to shift the car into a correct parking lot!!! Hahaha...
Alright, the search for the Mural art was FUN... lucky for us to have a rented car... it's so much more convenient to move around in our neighbouring country with a car... And my kids were in the comfy of the air-con and FOOD... so not much grumbling... except arguing along the way... And, I need to get my fix on SHOPPING... So, GPS my nearest Aeon mall so I can have my fix and we can have our meals!! Hahaha... So off we went to this BIG Aeon mall... I really got no idea how far are we from our hotel and where is this Aeon... but so long we are in a BIG mall, am happy... :>
My baby with his CARS... and even with those cars on display for sales purpose does not dampened his mood to have a pic next to them!! Hahaha... Yes, he did insist on getting into one... but I told him, it's for sales and he's not allowed into any of them...
Yes, this scooter is another victim!! It was on display with the mannequin in a fashion shop.. hahaha...
After some shopping, we went in to check out the rates of a ticket for a movie and guess what?!?!... We can catch our Jurassic World first hand here in Ipoh!!! It's supposed to have it's first sneak previews on Thursdays, but they have it available at night for Wednesday!!! So, I told hubby to just grab the tic as it's really cheap with the super high exchange rates now... and so, we went for our early dinner and follow by our movie!! Hahaha...
Our comfort food... my kids favourite, wantan noodles and porridge!! And we decided to have a try on their special dumpling!!
Hahaha... Another selfie of US... Ok, time to confess... We took this as I was really impressed with all the Bags made out of a pair of JEANS!! Maybe I should start working on one of my old pair of jeans and put it in better use than to store in my storage bag!!
Decided to take a shot of the movie display we were going to catch!!! And my baby was hiding behind my back...
Very happy to be able to catch the latest movie with a fraction of the price we would be paying if our whole family were to catch it in Singapore... The seats were really big... my baby was sleeping thru the first half the movie and got up in time to watch the action packed 2nd half!! And by the time we are done and back to our hotel, it was abt 10:30pm!! A fully packed day and need to pack for our return trip tomorrow!!! :D