The time has come to finally send my baby Alvan to a child care now. In fact, it's consider a late entry for him as his elder siblings started attending childcare when both were 2 years and 3 months old. I was, in fact, very reluctant to send him into a childcare as he's my youngest son and since the elder 2 kids are in Primary School now, I actually have more time with him as I would be home by 1pm daily to pick the 2 elder siblings back home. But WL had been urging me to send him into one so he can learn more things especially social skills. But I had been trying to look for a nearby childcare since the elder 2 had graduated from the last childcare and after the change of management, the childcare does not seem to be any better.
Anyways, we had thought of sending Alvan into a new childcare but I was having 2nd thoughts after the way the management had handle his registration.
1. We were informed at the very last minute that he was given a place in the school and was asked to go for a tea session the day before thru email only!
2. After the tea session was I aware that he was given a place and his class can only start a month later as they can't find a teacher yet.
3. No formal registration was done prior to actual start of childcare and the registration forms were again, emailed to me.
4. There was no phone calls or anything in confirming a place for my son in the childcare, everything was thru email and I was lucky that their emails had reach me thru my inbox as most of my mails would have gone into my spam folder!
5. When I called to ask about withdrawal, their VP told me that no deposit would be refunded to me as the withdrawal was done only 3 days before the start of the school and even for the school uniforms which I had ordered will not be refunded even though they were not ready for collection except for the PM session uniforms!!! How ridiculous is this???
6. Before my withdrawal from the school, I had thought of collecting the uniforms back to wash, therefore, I emailed them a week before and asked if they are ready for collection but waited for a few days and no reply. So I called them and asked and guess what their admin told me? You can come on the first day, we'll shower him and change into the PM uniforms! My question is, no washing required? Then the admin said, oh you want to wash, then I'll check and get back to you. And guess what, no update since then and the next call for me to them is on withdrawal!!
So, all the above further confirm my withdrawal with the new school!! Enough said of all my displeasure, I shall continue my update of my baby's journey into childcare.... :)
Day 1
Alvan had no idea about going to school is all about. We (me, WL and my mum) had been telling him that he will be attending school very soon and trying to prepare him that he will be there alone. He had been sending his 2 siblings to school pretty often as he gets up early back then, and he knows that his korkor and jiejie go into the school after waving bye & giving him goodbye kisses and they did not cry. So, he had this mentality that going to school is without mummy. And before he starts childcare, he's able to tell me that, baby go school, mama go office!! So, come Day 1, he's able to repeat this to me, but I still accompany him into the school, as it's a totally new environment and schedule for him.
The thing I like about this childcare is that, the teachers would bring the kids to the toilet to wash their hands first thing they come into the center, and before and after their meals!! Other centers normally give the kids hand sanitizer!! Good practice here... And here's my baby washing his hands before breakfast is served!! And teacher is taking this chance to introduce him to his new friends... ehm... but why in the toilet ah?? Hahaha...
Here's Alvan waiting for breakfast to be served to him... actually he had his breakfast at home daily, so this is just to make sure he's really full before he start his lesson... hahaha..
His 老师 punching stars for the children to stick onto a piece of construction paper, as the children were just taught 白色 and my Alvan trying to figure out what is she doing... hahaha...
See the cheeky side of him, turning back to me with his cheeky grin...
I was not around to see his activity, as I had not done any registration for him till this time, so I was being asked to go to the Principal office and complete the registration, buy his uniforms and settle all admin stuff. After am done, which was about 10:30am, the Principal went over to see him and I didn't hear any cries from him, and the Principal further assure me that he's doing fine inside, so I left him there and intend to come back for him at about 12pm! :)
And this is my happy boy back from school playing his fire truck bought by daddy the day before... hahaha...