I am always on the look out for such fairs for my children as I know they will enjoy knowing more about the Police force, Air force, Fire engines and Ambulances. And it's a good opportunity for them to see and touch the real vehicles, sit on it and pose for a shot! They are also so thrilled to complete the activity card and collect the goodies. It's a good chance for them to know what these occupations does and how they are helping to keep our country and neighbourhood safe.
I had marked my calendar when I know about this SCDF fair in Aug, which would be happening during their 1 week Sept break and making sure we bring them here for some fun. Especially when my Alvan is a big fan of fire engines and ambulances!
See how my Alvan smile at the camera!! Haha... All of us were in the SCDF uniforms... Izit that cool?? :o
WL putting out the fire with a fire extinguisher! My 2 kids were terrified when they saw and heard the noise coming out of the extinguisher!!
Another activity for the kids here... Putting up the masking tapes around openings at the doors and windows. According to them, this is to prevent poisonous gas from entering the house or enclosed area if it's under any terrorist attack!
My Alvan who's super happy to be sitting on a real fire engine!!
My Adwin's turn on the fire engine...
Now, Daddy's turn! Hahaha...
My missy on the driving wheel of the fire engine...
See my little boy holding onto the fire bike with confidence for a good shot!! :)
There was also a Fire boat on site for visitors to go up for a look around... And I've got my Adwin sailor and Missy Ashley posing for me! :0
Daddy and Alvan as passengers! :0
A super blur selfie! Hahaha...
A good view of the control station taken for us by one of the officer! :)
This is the boat we boarded!!!
My Alvan's first time driving a car here... he was so happy and it was tough for me to catch a good shot of him... Daddy making sure he's driving safely...
A good shot by daddy...
My handicapped korkor insisting on riding on the motorbike... And my sad Ashley was refused entry saying she's too big to be riding in any of the rides... :p
Another shot of us in one of the SCDF vehicle.
Glimpse of the Fire truck and accessories...
Sorry for the slanted shot, as I wanted to take the pic of my kids on one of the ladder truck that will only be deployed when necessary, as the ladder can go really high up, *sorry, i can't recall the height mentioned by the officer!* hahaha...
My Alvan and Ashley getting onto an Ambulance for a good look!!! Hahaha... Adwin refused to get into it as he had tried one when he fractured his arm in school in Aug! Haha...
Some shots of the vehicles we saw during this exhibition... and these are just SCDF vehicles, does not involved the Police force.
This is one the latest vehicle in SCDF, the unmanned fire rescue vehicle!! So cool...
My Ashley and Adwin having a try putting out the small fire on a wok with a mini fire extinguisher!

And yes, this is me... attending a short session on how to perform CPR on a fainted person and usage of the small shocking machine!! (sorry again, can't recall the term used here... hahaha... :p) Maybe I had also forgotten on how to perform CPR by now... hahaha...
The boys in a demo of earthquake!!! My Ashley refused to go in after being brief before they walked in... hahaha...
A selfie went wrong... supposed to be a selfie of just me and Alvan... but see the intruder behind with all the horrible grin and pose! :(
There happened to have a International food fair at Expo and we decided to pop in for our dinner... hahaha... A good trip for the kids here, as it was their first time in a food fair and they got the chance to eat lots of food here... all sorts of biscuits, coffee and goat's milk candies!! We all have a good meal and see how happy is my Alvan!!! Always such a sweetie when he's in front of a cam! :)