Ok, back to our music of the night outing! I was constantly worried about my 3 babies, wondering if they have been good, if they had proper dinner (though they were at good hands of my mum and sis!), if they misbehaved, especially worried for my baby! As he can't be without me for long!! I managed to make him sleep before we left for dinner and the musical at 5:30pm.
My kids were pretty happy for the first 2-3 hours, after which, they started to ask what time would we be back and they are very tired, etc, as they had swimming at 4pm!
This is the photo of them after shower and waiting for dinner to be served! Still happy and alert! Lol...
This was taken after dinner and why is Adwin missing from action?!
There you are, my dear boy, slept before 9pm!! Way too tired to stay up and wait for us!!
No more pics here from my HP, as my iPhone went totally flat at about 8pm!! I need to get the photos from WL's iPhone!! Haha...
Okay, these 2 were from WL's phone... hahaha... 'stolen' from his photo stream on the PC *sorry dear! hahaha... :p* my BIL trying ways to distract his attention giving him difference cars!

Anyway, call for help came in at about 1055pm, when baby started crying nonstop for me!! And he was really crying really hard and loud! But his korkor and jiejie had fallen asleep!! And the only way to stop baby from crying, is to bring him to the basement telling him, mama will reach in the next minute!!! And by the time am there, it was 11:30pm, he ha stopped crying but looked super tired!! So do everyone there, my mum, dad, sis, BIL and baby Dora!!! Hahaha... What a busy night for all, except for us, enjoyed the musical totally!!! Haha... :p