Been a long time since we had catch a musical... ehm, WL is quite disappointed, he was wondering in which part of the musical that makes is to be the longest running musical... hahaha... As for me, I can only comment that, maybe a cat-lover would LOVE this musical! hahaha... Cos it's really all about CATS! That's all!! Especially the 1st half, its just all the cats dancing on the same scene-setting, the MOON with some twinkle stars! hahaha... for an hour, it's juz CATS dancing & singing... BORING... I ALMOST fell asleep, but try to keep myself awake, hoping to see SOME different and interesting things... BUT the lady next to me fell asleep! hahaha...
As for the 2nd half, I think it's more happening, there's some changes on the scene & we get to see some 'acrobat'... hahaha... me & WL were counting all the musicals we had caught through the years, so far, CATS is the more BORING one... those we been to, we did enjoy them though... We caught The Phantom of the Opera while in London during our Honeymoon in 2005 June, & we did enjoyed it!! Mama mia is nice... Oliver is another interesting one... Empress Dowager (hope we got the title correct, as we can't recall the title of this musical by Kit Chan) is impressive... hope to be able to have more INTERESTING musicals coming... :D