My 5mth old nephew is so cute that I can't resist but to post him pic here!! My sis had brought him to this photo session which makes him a sweetie in the pic!! Though he's as sweet as a boy in real life, but if he throw his tantrum, can be a real devil!! hahaha... :p
And my sis had just print this pic as a 8R Calender @ Harvey Norman.. it turns out sooooo nice, am full of envy now... :p
My nephew is also staying home now with my mum, who's helping me to baby sit Adwin. And today is their first day seeing each other for the whole day, & see the pic below!! Both babies are jealous of each other!! hahaha... both are vying for my mum's attention!! And her poor maid can only help to entertain the babies!!
It was Uncle Wei Zheng's wedding on 27 Dec (Sat)... so mummy had me & jie-jie dress up very prettily & smart, *tat's according to mummy.... She call me the Prince & jie-jie, the Princess! :D
Here's what I wore for the dinner tat day...
Back view of the Mickey Mouse suspender...
Me smart smart in bow tie!! :D
In fact, mummy had made me the center of attraction that nite... Cos alot of uncles & aunties wanna take a pic of me... they say I look so smart & cute... Also cos, I was walking all over the grand ballroom... and mummy had a difficult time going after me... hahaha....
And mummy is feeling quite bad, cos now then she realised, she didn't take pic of my pretty jie-jie... hahaha...
28-Nov-2008 : 2nd born finally learn to let go of support & walk on his own!! :D
04-Dec-2008 : 2nd born is down with HFMD & diarrhoea!! :( & jie-jie is staying @ po-po's house since 05-Dec till i recover...
05-Dec-2008 : 2nd born learnt to say 'nai nai' when he wants milk... hee hee...
15-Dec-2008 : First cruise trip for 1st born & 2nd born... Hooray... * & also first cruise trip for daddy & mummy on Royal Carribean Legends of the sea!!! :D
aiyo... my Ashley jiejie is down with HFMD (hand foot mouth disease) AGAIN!!! Mummy & daddy were so upset...
And since tuesday, me & mummy had been sleeping over @ popo's house... leaving Daddy & jiejie @ home... accordingly to mummy, jiejie need to be quarantine so won't pass the germs to me... BUT, popo say am feeling feverish today... Daddy says hope am juz feeling feverish... hope I dun fall sick again... cos I HATE all the medicine!! sob sob....
This post had been pending for a looooong looooong time... & I just thought would be interesting to share this with u guys... :D
Can't recall how WL got this website... think was thru papers or something & only when he got the parcel, then he told me about it...
This website: allows u to order an item, be it a gift or surprise for yourself or your friend... just let them know the # of items you want & pay for it.. the parcel will arrive at your door step!! hahaha... u won't know what you had ordered, just open up the box for a surprise...
And here's what we got!! 1) An adult pair of sunglass... which Ashley loves alot.. hahaha.. 2) A zipper pouch... which I used to put my make up in... 3) A funny looking toy... hahaha.. which WL thought is interesting...
Have a try... though the website does feature some interesting & expensive gifts they say they send out but dunno how true that is... hahaha... try your luck!
We have set up our Xmas tree this year... Ashley was so happy with it...
We did not set it up last year, as I was having my confinement after delivering Adwin on 12 Dec...
So, this is the first time Adwin sees a Xmas Tree in the house... Though Ashley would have seen it when she was a baby... but no impression was left in her.. so to her, as though this is the FIRST time a xmas tree appears in the house... hahaha... But the twinkle lights is spoilt... so Ashley won't be able to see a REAL nice xmas tree till WL get a replacement...
She was so happy this morning after she woke up & walk into the living room... shouting... WHOO... see a big xmas tree in the house!! So nice.... hahaha...
She was happily trying to help WL to put up the decors.. BUT all of them were so closed to one another... so WL had to help distribute them evenly on the tree and keep reminding Ashley to hang them nicely on the tree...
And when asked who helped with the setting up of the tree... she only said, Papa and Ashley... hahaha.. Mummy was there to supervise the job with Adwin on hand... as Adwin recovers from his week long stomach flu... :D
Finally I get to try the Delifrance breakfast buffet since it's launched... I liked it very much, though WL say it's ok... But can see Ashley is enjoying herself there...
Their danish are all the mini versions of the actual danish sold at their deli, but I think is enough if we are just really the taste of it... a little of everything makes it just nice... :D Not much variety, but just enough for me to fill my tummy for the sunday morning....
And we went to explore the new extension at Northpoint, with the new library that had just opened it's door on Friday... It's really nice... especially with all the new books there... And they had put in more seats, I can never find a seat at other libraries I had visited... Ashley love it there too, since she loves books so much... haha... Guess we'll be visiting the library more often too... And the new extension had a new food court theme... Japanese food court!! Haven't got the chance to try it out though... As the extension is still undergoing some upgrading, we'll be back! hahaha...
And if you see a pic here where NO ONE is looking at my HP camera... as I can't get my 2 precious to look at the camera... WL decided that NO ONE will be looking at the camera for this photo... :(
Adwin was down with stomach flu on Monday.... & I also didn't realized it was so serious till later in the day...
He would throw up the moment he finished his milk... besides throwing up, he's also having diarrhea.. and very surprisingly, his motion is white in color!! First time in my life to see white motion... And the next day (tues), he's down with fever.... OMG... terrible week this is...
And, can feel his lightness after a few days of vomiting & diarrhea.... hope he recovers faster and see his weight going up... he's been stopping at 10+kg since 5-6mths till now (11mths old)... guess he's now down to 9+kg after this round of stomach flu...
In fact, I guess all these flu start with ME about a month back... when I almost recovered, Adwin got it... just when he's recovering, daddy got it and Ashley also had stomach flu... and when she recovered, Adwin got it... & am down with flu again... OMG... Oct & Nov had been such a terrible time for us... trying to keep everyone healthy & fit for our Dec cruise... :D
We went to have a look at the Marina barrage after it's opening... And tons of people were there... The weather was quite bad... by the time we reach the car park, it's still a bit of a drizzle... And my Adwin is recovering from his fever too...
But the view is great!! I feel it's better than the Singapore Flyer!! haha... ** after signing up as Friends of the Flyer... **
But the Gallery is a very interesting place... We didn't expect it to be so big though... the exhibition is worth going for...
Recently, Ashley had taken a liking to putting on funny faces when we try to take a pic of her.. and it can be quite irritating!! And you can see from this collage here, she'll never stop irritating her brother too!!
Here's some view from the Marina Barrage... And also the exhibition hall...
Our weekends are getting more and more adventurous and interesting....
We went to a new interesting place for dinner last Saturday... as intro by WL's colleague... Marina at Keppel Bay (a slip road next to the HarbourFront)
This is actually a small small island... the link bridge is very beautiful...
The only building in the island with 4 eateries... TCC, a Jap restaurant, a bakery & a western restaurant... As the name says... marina, it's actually a docking area for the yatches... so I guess it's not new to those yatch owners... but new to people like us without yatch! hahaha...
* u can click on the collage to enlarge them, so can see better...
WL is so fascinated with this staircase, as u can see, many pictures here are having the staircase as background! hahaha... We had our dinner @ TCC, but of cos, the children had their home-made porridge there...
As we had never tried TCC before, WL is again fascinated with their menu... In fact, they do have a range of interesting food... I like their Pumpkin cheese cake... it's really nice!! Give it a try! :D
Been sometime since mummy create a new entry here... She had been so busy lately and also partly due to her old mobile is spoilt, therefore, mummy abit lost on blogging with her new mobile!
Hope mummy can find some time to load my nice nice pic here for everyone to see! ;)
Mummy says I'm getting more and more like jie-jie cos the moment I see anyone eating I would ask for a share too! But mummy always say I can't eat! Sob sob... This above pic was taken by mummy when she's preparing for her breakfast, and I just hope she can give me some bread too! Haha. Wish granted! ;)
Ashley refuses to leave popo house today, after a night's stay over. It was quite terrible as she refuses to get into the car also keep screaming she wanna stay at popo's place! And she cried till she sleep in the car on mummy's chest! Guess she really had enjoyed herself during the night's stay!
Oh yes, yesterday we brought her to the airport to fetch popo home after a 7 day korea tour. Before ashley leaves the house, she brought along 1 luku fruit and say is for popo! Haha. Guess she's close to popo as she had been with popo since 3mth old till she goes to childcare when she's 27month old. And tomorrow marks her 1st anniversary at the childcare! Happy children's day! ;)
Adwin had his first dip today at popo's house! He looks so relaxing in the float! While ashley is still having phobia of drinking the pool water that she prefers to walk around the pool!
Me with yiyi and aunty Niki today cos mummy decided to go for per hair rebond today since she's on leave. And here's me sleeping in my 'yao yao' after my lunch and milk feed. Haha.
Whew... Finally have the time to load the pictures & post on the blog... been quite busy lately...
Anyway, WL booked for a night's stay @ the Siloso Beach @ Sentosa during his 1-week break... It was a short & nice one... First time for us to really explore Sentosa, been a long long time since we been there... in fact, there's quite a lot of attractions for us to explore and I must say, the Island had really been through a revamp & by the time the IR is up there, it should be a very fun place to visit!!
Ashley enjoyed the stay alot, as she had been anticipating her sand castle building time along the beach... and she was looking so moody upon our arrival @ the hotel, as she was expecting us to hit the beach the moment we touch down and especially when WL told her about sand castle building in the MORNING!! OMG... Even during her Luge ride, she was still looking so gloomy till we bring her to the beach...
Haha. Finally got my HP with me this time! I had always wanted to take picture of Adwin after his feed! Cos quite often he looks really cute dozing him after he latched on.
*pic shown here is taken from daddy's camera... limited... **
Haiz... my blur mummy had accidentally deleted lots of photos she taken over the past weekend... so no more photos to be uploaded here.... *sob sob*...
We had an eventful weekend... I shall begin my story from Saturday... :D
SATURDAY: As usual, I've to attend my new chinese enrichment program @ Tian Xia... BUT this session I've to perform cos it's the end of term... It's MY first performance & daddy & mummy were quite disappointed cos I was the only in the class to be standing in front of a crowd of N2 & K1 children & lots of uncles & aunties... as my classmate had 'stage fright'... he was crying SOOOO badly before the performance & my other classmate was absent... mummy took some photos with her mobile... BUT was deleted... so u can't see my embarrassed expression... hee hee...
After my performance, we went back home... Daddy as usual went to 'work' from 2-6pm... after he's back, we went out for dinner @ Hong Kong Street restaurant along Thomson Road.... BUT it had changed to a different Hong Kong Street... Anyway, after dinner, we went to Thomson Plaza, the newly opened Finest Fairprice... & along our way home, Daddy saw SMOKE coming out from his car!!! He kinda got a shock & mummy asked him to pull over @ a safe place... & we all got out from the car to see what's happening... and realised the coolant tank is EMPTY... after the car cooled down, daddy drove to the nearest petrol kiosk to get coolant to top up & we continue our way home... BUT, before we can reach home, we had stopped halfway again, cos the temperature of the car went up again & after another check, the coolant tank is EMPTY again!! so mummy guessed it's somewhere there that had leaked...
SUNDAY: Mummy had bought tickets to join Berriworks for a movie event for the family, but cos daddy's car broke down, we had to leave our house early to take the train all the way down to Suntec Eng Wah for the event... it was very tiring for Daddy & Mummy, but me & didi enjoyed ourselves, cos we had our strollers! hahaha... AND, of cos, mummy had taken few photos for the movie event BUT had accidentally deleted them away... hahaha... oh, btw, we watched WALL.E... & me & daddy had dozed off in the midst of WALL.E adventure in the outer space... hahaha... And we had our late lunch @ Kenny Rogers... Daddy & Mummy managed to finish ONE WHOLE chicken!! Can u believe it??!
Even though Daddy & Mummy said they were tired, they can still go to Junction 8 @ 5pm!! hahaha... cos Daddy need to visit the Sony Ericsson shop to fix his new mobile lah... :p
MONDAY: Mummy's on leave cos my childcare is closed for Teacher's Day & Daddy's on his 1 week break... BUT he left early to fix the car... & he bought lunch back... but we went out for dinner @ Chong Pang market & Daddy & Mummy bought me a bicycle!!! Yeah!! They hope I can learn to ride & look forward to visit some parks during our weekends... :D
More happenings the next 2 days... as we'll be staying @ SENTOSA!! hahaha...
Adwin had been trying to get up on his own these few days. This is one taken showing him trying to hold onto mummy's bed's headboard, trying to pull his heavy body up!
My favorite play yard is up again in our house!! Adwin seems to enjoy when we placed him inside, especially now he likes to be in 'tummy down' position. He tried to move himself around while inside...
Ashley had started to use mummy's handphone to take scary funny faces! I also don't know how it started, but ashley would make funny ugly faces and started taking photos herself! I must say, most of the photos are quite nicely taken! Haha. See the above for yourself! :-p
Next sat ashley will be her virgin performance for us. We had enrolled her into the chinese language school since national day and this term will come to an end next week. It is their schedule to have a performance by the children for the parents to see what they had learned throughout the whole term, ie 10 weeks. But ashley is still not very used to attending class on her own as she was crying quite badly when we brought her there the last 3 lessons. Really forward to her performance this sat! :)
Adwin is finally starting to 'stand on 4'!!! He had been flat on his tummy when he flipped over... so hopefully he can start to crawl on 4 soon... In fact, he enjoys his walker more, cos he realised he can go anywhere when he's in his walker... Just that he would prefer to have someone around him... can't be left alone guy... hahaha... :D
Haha. See how Adwin's hand is trying to hold onto Ashley! In fact, Adwin loves the company of Ashley, but sometimes Ashley will try to entertainment but sometimes she don't! Just hope the siblings get along well as they grow. Haha.
Adwin is starting to enjoy his porridge now... I had gotten the handheld blender to mash up his porridge... & am really surprised it's so convenient and useful!! Regretted not gotten it during Ashley time... he had tried porridge with pumpkin, sweet potato, broccoli and carrots... hope to start him with fish soon... :D
This is my first excursion in the childcare which allowed mummy to come with me... It's our zoo excursion on eve of National day.
Mummy said she enjoyed herself, me too!! hahaha... we were supposed to be at my childcare by 845am, but mummy brought me to eat noodles, so was late by 5mins!
And we only spent the morning in the zoo and were back to the childcare by 145pm.
Actually daddy & mummy brought me and didi to the zoo last month when daddy was given the complimentary ticket for regular blood donors... BUT that time we did not take tram ride, and we did all the walking... BUT this time, teachers brought us for tram ride!! And it was raining a bit during the trip, but all in all, it was quite fun to go to the zoo with all the gor-gor & jie-jie in the childcare...
This is my first try on KFC kiddy meals... I liked the popcorn chicken, but not the whipped potato... also love the cold drinks! hahaha...
I like this picture alot! First time managed to catch both kids looking at the camera n smiling so nicely!
Today is an exciting day, cos my sis went into labour! She's close to 3 weeks earlier than her EDD. Initially her EDD falls on my birthday! Of cos everyone wished my nephew would come out only on my birthday, BUT he had decided to come out early to see everyone of us! hahaha... Anyway, labour is something unpredictable, so long baby is out heathy, that's the most important! Here's wishing my sis, Cecilia, a smooth delivery! Shall post my nephew pic once i get hold of it tomorrow! Cheers!
Haha. Ashley is really good at taking photos now. This was taken by her with my HP! We even bought her a second hand digital cam for her to catch some shots which we may had missed. Haha.